
Since 1995, the Catskills Institute has sponsored an annual conference to discuss developments in scholarly research on the topic of Catskills culture. Conference histories from 1997 onward are provided below. These provide information on schedules, recaps, and keynote talks.

3rd Annual History of the Catskills Conference
Richman, Irwin
4th Annual History of the Catskills Conference
Richman, Irwin
5th Annual History of the Catskills Conference
Richman, Irwin
6th Annual History of the Catskills Conference
Richman, Irwin
7th Annual History of the Catskills Conference
Richman, Irwin
8th Annual History of the Catskills Conference
Richman, Irwin
9th Annual History of the Catskills Conference
Richman, Irwin
10th Annual History of the Catskills Conference
Richman, Irwin
11th Annual History of the Catskills Conference
Richman, Irwin
12th Annual History of the Catskills Conference
Richman, Irwin
13th Annual History of the Catskills Conference
Levenson, Sam

Moreover, some photographs from the conferences in 2005, 2006, and 2007 are provided below.

Sarah Blacher Cohen speaking at 12th annual Catskills conference
Joe Dorinson and Henry Foner singing "Shoot the Shtrudel to me, Yudel" at 12th annual Catskills conference
Joe Dorinson speaking at 12th annual Catskills conference
Samantha Goldstein speaking at 12th annual Catskills conference
Lauren Antler speaking at 12th annual Catskills conference
Rachel Kranson speaking at 12th annual Catskills conference
Joyce Antler speaking at 12th annual Catskills conference
Helen Kutsher greeting guests at 12th annual Catskills conference
Melissa Martens speaking at 12th annual Catskills conference
Irwin Richman speaking at 12th annual Catskills conference
Eileen Pollack speaking at 12th annual Catskills conference

Irwin Richman speaking at 13th annual Catskills conference
Jim Landis speaking at 13th annual Catskills conference
Joe Dorinson speaking at 13th annual Catskills conference
Judith Maidenbaum speaking at 13th annual Catskills conference
Jack Landman speaking at 13th annual Catskills conference
Rachel Kranson speaking at 13th annual Catskills conference
Andrew Jacobs speaking at 13th annual Catskills conference
Carl Potok and Susan Ostrovitz speaking at 13th annual Catskills conference
Jackie Horner speaking at 12th annual Catskills conference
Joan Silver speaking at 12th annual Catskills conference