
Welcome! You clicked on a link to the Catskills Institute website that was originally developed and hosted at Brown University. The site has been developed further, and is now maintained at Northeastern University, at this new website.

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History at Brown University

The Catskills Institute website was originally developed by Phil Brown and his colleagues at the Catskills Institute to disseminate information about conferences and the photographs, ephemera, memorabilia and memoirs they have collected. Additionally, the site collected queries about people and places in the Catskills resort communities, as well as news of publications, films, and other events.

While at Brown University, Phil Brown received a Scholarly Grant to make the Catskills site more interactive, sustainable and to put a selection of the Catskills materials in Brown’s digital repository, making it easier to search the photographs and ephemera. The Center for Digital Initiatives digitized over 1000 objects and incorporated them into the Digital Repository. The Scholarly Technology Group redesigned the site and refactored the HTML files to make them more usable, and a Drupal forum was configured to make it easier post queries. While at Brown University, the site contained links, forums, text narratives and histories, and search forms for the objects in the repository — which all formed the backbone of the new site at Northeastern.